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Please be aware a PDF version of posters and application forms can now be downloaded simply by clicking on the image or document for local storage, printing and viewing. All PDF documents will load onto a new tab or land in your download folder.
Welcome to the NAFAS East of England website
We're one of the 21 Areas which make up the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
(NAFAS). We have 79 Clubs plus two Junior clubs. Due to the expanse of our Area we are divided into five Groups: Cambridge, Colchester, East Suffolk, King's Lynn and Norwich.
You'll find details of dates for meetings, shows and events and can browse the photo galleries. There's information and contact details for the Area team and the Area's five Groups. We have all the Latest News and Chairman's Chat as well as the most recent Spotlight East newsletter. The Area has a good representation of Judges, Demonstrators, Speakers and Teachers. There's also lots of information about flower arranging courses and classes in the Education section.
If you love flowers and are interested in flower arranging, why not visit your local flower club? Just come and meet new people, enjoy yourselves and learn a bit about flower arranging; visitors are always warmly welcomed. Details of all the clubs may be found on the 'Groups' page.
Here are the most up-to-date NAFAS Vision and Mission statements along with the Values we all embody. For more information and a downloadable document to print out, click here or on the image.
Latest news

Photo © Pip Bensley
On behalf of the East of England Area, congratulations from The Executive Committee and all members of the Area to Yvonne Wagstaff who received a Very Highly Commended award at the Malvern Show, Yvonne was our representative in the NAFAS Future Talent Competition and she did us proud with her colourful foam free design. Thank you, Yvonne, you did a great job representing us, your contribution for the Area was very much appreciated. My sincere thanks for all your hard work and preparation for the show on our behalf.
Best Wishes
Gloria Goodley
East of England Area Chairman
Yvonne Wagstaff is a member of the King's Lynn Group of Flower Clubs, who received a Very Highly Commended award in the NAFAS Future Talent Competition at the RHS Malvern Show.
Yvonne and 14 other competitors from different Areas of NAFAS competed to win a guaranteed place at Chelsea Flower Show next year. The class title was 'Razzmatazz'. It was a foam free class and was judged using the RHS Chelsea criteria.
The Area newsletter Spotlight East - Autumn 2024 edition is now available.
Lindi Carrington - Editor of Newsletter "Spotlight East". Email:
A reminder that the Flower Arranger booking form for 2025 magazines has now been sent out to all Clubs. Please make sure your club's Flower Arranger Officer has seen it.

NAFAS East of England Area leaflet
Many members who attended the Anniversary Show at Hunstanton may have seen a new Area leaflet that's been produced giving details of our Area with a list of all our Clubs within each of our five Groups.
The leaflet has been designed for the Area to share with potential members and members of the public to provide the information they might need to find one of our Clubs. It went down well with members of the public at the Show.
The leaflet comprises a summary of the Area, the Area's QR code to give easy access to the NAFAS-east website, the NAFAS vision, mission and values, what we do and some important contacts. The list of the Area's Clubs can be seen once the leaflet's opened up.
Copies of this leaflet will be available at the next Area Day on Saturday 13th July at Isleham and it's suggested that the five Group chairmen take a number of copies to share amongst their clubs. They can then share locally to help with their advertising.
If you want to see the leaflet in the meantime, a pdf copy is included in this section. You just need a little imagination that when its printed out and folded, it makes sense :-)
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