Please be aware a PDF version of posters and application forms can now be downloaded simply by clicking on the image or document for local storage, printing and viewing. All PDF documents will load onto a new tab or land in your download folder.
Latest News
Details of the Show Competition Schedule and ticket information were released at the recent National Advisory Council meeting.
Demonstrators in the Chapter House
Speakers in the main Cathedral
Education in the Lady Chapel
Music throughout the Cathedral
Trading Stands in the Cloisters
EARLY BIRD DAY TICKETS are on sale from 1st - 28th February @ £25
PREVIEW EVENING TICKETS for Thurs 18th September 6:30pm - 8:00pm Visitors receive a glass of bubbly or soft drink, are on sale from 1st March 2025 @ £20
Competitors applications are to be received between 1st - 15th April 2025 via the national website. Any member wishing to use paper format, please use the 2025 Individual Entry form.
Please click on this link for information on the Schedule.
Latest NAFAS National monthly newsletter
We're pleased to announce that having overcome some technical issues we can now share the monthly National Newsletter on this news page. Click on the image to view and download the latest newsletter.
You can also subscribe to the newsletter so you get it straight into your inbox as soon as it's published by using this Subscribe form.
Gloria Goodley, Area Chairman, has published her latest Chairman's Chat.
The Area newsletter Spotlight East - Winter 2024 edition is now available.
Lindi Carrington - Editor of Newsletter "Spotlight East". Email: newsletter.nafaseast@gmail.com
Stephanie Laing, Area Judges Representative, is pleased to announce the running of a Judges training course starting in January 2025. This is a great opportunity to hone both your judging and competing skills, especially as the Area is only one of two areas in the UK currently running the course. Click the image to view the article and poster on the JDS&E Notices page.
A new look to the website
From today the East of England Area of NAFAS website will look a little different. All the great material remains, it's just structured slightly differently as well as a few new additions.
All the News - whether that's the Latest News, the Chairman's Chat or the Spotlight newsletter is now altogether.
Key contacts for the Area team, a link to Groups and Clubs and the National site are likewise altogether.
The Groups pages with all our five Groups' information, maps etc. remain very similar as before.
Events, whether that's National, Area and Group and Club posters are now altogether under one area of the website.
JDS&E pages remain very similar with the addition of an Education Diary which is to be populated in due course.
A new section headed Media has been introduced to help Clubs with their communications and media; whether that's checking you have all the key information on posters, how to create QR codes, information on image copyrights and permissions, ideas to help you publicise and fund-raise for your Club, making the most of the Spotlight online magazine, links to useful video tutorials and online groups as well as ideas for communicating with Club members. There's lots of information available to help you and your Club if you'd like to make use of it.
A 'Contact Us' form and a new Search Function has been added to the header part of each page for convenience.
The Gallery has been improved by consistent naming and formatting of Photo Albums and photos from last year's National Show have been added.
PDF documents can be downloaded simply by clicking on the poster/application form for local storage, printing and viewing.
Any comments or queries regarding the restructured website can be directed to the Website Administrators using the Contact us Page.